"I Knew From Day One":
Rear Admiral Herb Bridge

"Mr. Downtown"

"The Downtown Seattle Association, DSA, originally called the Central Association, basically came about in response to suburbanites flocking to a new kind of shopping experience: the indoor shopping mall. The country’s first mall, as we think of malls today, was Northgate, which opened in 1950. By the mid ‘50s, we downtown business owners were concerned about the economic future of our downtown core.” Building Bridges (pg. 111)

Hear more from Herb about the beginnings of the DSA:

In the same interview, Herb notes how downtown Seattle has characteristics of a “human city” and compares to when he was a child. Herb notes all the environmental remediation work and greening downtown with trees, parks, and adding public spaces.

Herb’s advocacy for downtown Seattle extends to his preference to live in the area with Shirley, taking in the excitement and shopping at Pike Place Market, the same site where many Jewish families got their start generations ago.

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