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Washington State Jewish Historical Society - Oral History Program - Consent Form

The Washington State Jewish Historical Society (WSJHS) Oral History Program involves video interviews with narrators who discuss the Jewish community in Washington State, including families, religious institutions, businesses, and significant events. The WSJHS may utilize the interviews for exhibits, programs, social media, promotional uses, and other purposes that further its mission to promote interest in and knowledge of the life, history, and culture of the Jewish people and communities of Washington State. No further releases will be sought or acquired for such use. This Agreement between the narrator (you) and the WSJHS explains how your interview will proceed, and how the recording of your interview as well as related materials will be utilized.

Preparation for your Interview:

  1. You will receive a list of the questions to be asked ahead of time, and you may decline to answer any question. Please try to let the interviewer know ahead of time if there are subjects you do not wish to discuss during the interview.
  2. Your interviewer will schedule your interview at a mutually agreed time. For a video interview, you will receive a Zoom (or other platform) video link. In most cases, Zoom is the video platform that will be used to record your interview. Your interviewer will also request a portrait photo of you. Please
    send this prior to the interview, if possible. For an audio interview, your interviewer will provide more information about how it will be set up.
  3. Your interviewer will conduct a practice session prior to your interview. Please allow up to two hours for your practice session and interview (Note some interviews will be much shorter and your interviewer will be able to provide you with a good timeframe prior to the interview date). If more interview sessions seem desirable, your interviewer will schedule them at a convenient time.

After your Interview:

  1. You will receive a copy of your interview. You may designate particular remarks or sections as restricted, but it is most desirable to have the entire interview open to the public and accessible. Therefore, if you do not want to discuss a certain topic, please refer to Item 1 above under Preparation for your Interview. You will have 30 days from receipt of the interview to make any restrictions, but only if absolutely necessary due to the time and future confusion that may be involved with this.
  2. The WSJHS may utilize your interview for exhibits, programs, social media, promotional uses, and other purposes related to furthering its mission.
  3. Your interview may be included in the Washington State Jewish Archives (“WSJA”) collection. WSJA is a collaboration of WSJHS and University of Washington Libraries (“UW Libraries”). If this is the case, your interviewer or a WSJHS representative will follow up with completing a UW Special
    Collections Libraries Deed of Gift and next steps.
  4. After your interview, you may wish to contribute additional photos to the WSJHS that represent topics discussed in your interview. You may do so at this time by discussing this further with the WSJHS staff by emailing We will discuss opportunities of where additional photos may be appropriate.

Representations and Warranties:

  1. You will defend, indemnify, and hold WSJHS harmless from any and all claims or allegations arising from or relating to your comments during your interview or a breach of your representations and warranties stated here.
  2. You understand that WSJHS may not be able to uphold any access restriction(s) to portions of your interview or transcript against a subpoena.
  3. The best of your knowledge, facts presented during your interview are true, and nothing in your interview or related materials would amount to an invasion of privacy or revelation of a trade secret.
  4. Except to the extent that you wish to restrict any portion of your interview and transcript, you agree that your name, interview transcript, and related materials will be made publicly available.
  5. You are 18 years old or older. If under 18, a parent or guardian signature will also be required.
First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Consent agreement
The goals and procedures of the WSJHS Oral History Program described above have been explained to me, and I have had an opportunity to ask any questions I may have. I understand this Agreement, and I consent to participate in the WSJHS Oral History Program by adding your initials below.