Confronting Hate Together: Telling Your Story


We are deeply grateful for your heartfelt support of the "Confronting Hate Together" exhibit. Your commitment to standing against hate and fostering understanding means the world to us.

Because we value your perspective and want to ensure your voice is heard during this critical time, we are kindly asking that you share your thoughts and feelings with us through the platform Their Story. This should take no more than 10 minutes to complete.  Prior to clicking the submission link above, please read the instructions and prompts below.

Here are the prompts: 

1. How did you feel when you first heard about the "Confronting Hate Together" exhibit and the subsequent events that followed its launch?

2. What impact do you believe the removal of the exhibit has had on the Jewish community, both locally and nationally?

3. How do you think the walkout by the Wing Luke Museum staff and the national attention this issue has garnered affects the fight against hate and antisemitism?

Step 1: Click the link provided to you and a window will open that enables your camera and microphone. Add your name and click “launch call” button.

Step 2: Before pressing the red record button, click the arrow at the top of the screen to scroll through and see the prompts. Answer as many or as few as you want. These are just guidelines.

Step 3: When you are ready to record your story, click the red start recording button.

Step 4: Please share how this Confronting Hate Together experience has made you feel, and any other stories or anecdotes about antisemitism. Please record for no more than 10 minutes.

Step 5: When you are done, click the square stop recording button at the top of the screen.

Step 6: When you are ready to review your recording, press the red save hang up button. Pressing that button will take you to a submission page where you can watch back your video and provide some information before submitting.

Step 7: Once submitted, you will be redirected to our donation page. This step is optional, although greatly appreciated. If you choose not to donate, feel free to just close out the tab. 

Step 8: Please fill out the contact information form below so we can contact you regarding your submission. Thank you!

It is crucial that we document our experiences and feelings as we move through this heated time in history. The Washington State Jewish Historical Society is creating a digital exhibit in the Washington Jewish Museum, that will show the response of our community members.

Your story will be featured in a communal exhibit and will be preserved for future generations. 


Contact information

Please include your contact information below so we may reach out to you if your submission is accepted and we need further information. 

First Name *
Last Name *